If you've talked to me at all this week - then you know I'v been working furiously on my Mom's birthday present for the latter half of the week! Which is what happens when I work on it at the last minute... Not to mention it's a bead embroidery piece and I still find those challenging!
I took a couple of quick snap shots before I gave it to her. Not perfect, but my borther is going to bring it back over this week for a good photo shoot :)
The Top

The Back

I'm thinking next time I do something like this I should take more "along the way" pictures so I can give you a better idea of what's involved... There are a lot of steps! First you have to secure the cabochon to the material with glue. Which is really only a temporary hold. Then you bead around the cabochon and up the sides to truly secure it. Then you do the embroidery all around it to fill out whatever pattern/shape you desire. Then you glue all of that to a piece of ultra suede backing material and let that dry. Then you go around the edges with more beads. THEN, in this case at least, you glue it to the hair barrette!
I didn't get any pictures of me actually giving it to Mom, but I got my brother to snap a shot of it in her hair for me :)

What do you think? Should I make one or two for my shops? I might just at some point...but honestly...I have a LONG list of things I want to make...so it'll depend on when and what inspiration hits!