Marketing Tip of the Week - Email Signatures

Today's marketing tip can be connected to last week's tip regarding the Google URL Builder.  Be sure to have links to all your shops and websites where your items are posted in your email signature.  See my example below.  Be sure to create dedicated URL's for each link so you know where some of your web traffic is coming from.  Each of my links has it's own URL, with the word 'email' in it.  That way I know when someone has clicked when they received my email directly or through a forward.

Your email signature should be set to be inserted in everything that you do in your email, from new messages to forwards.  We all know how email forwards run rampant.  Be sure to include your links in these forwards.  I even erase all the other contact info that's been left in the forward to make sure my email signature stands out.  This really works!