Photo 365 - Day 11
Have you hit it yet? That point, a few weeks in, where you feel like throwing in the towel and saying, "I'll never accomplish my goals!" I know I'm certainly fighting it.
The above picture says it all.
Oh maybe not immediately to you! But when I look at it... You see one of my goals for this year is a photo 365 challenge. I'm trying to take a picture a day, every day, and post them several times a week on Facebook and in my photo accounts.
That picture was taken on the 4th.
I'm a wee bit behind on posting up the photos! I missed a few days too. However, I am determined to keep pushing forward! I've missed a few days since I started last month, but I've still taken 21 photos, because I haven't given up. I hadn't posted the photos up in awhile, so I'm catching up this week, and I posted photos 9 to 11 today. I'm persevering.
According to Perseverance means: "Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state,etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement."
How are you doing with your goals? In your personal life? In your business? Are you pushing forward despite any set backs? I was reading one of the Etsy Bloggers team members posts today (I can't remember which one!) and she said that she's going to keep going to the gym, even if she misses a week, she'll just start up again that next week and not give up. I thought that was a great example of perseverance!
Don't give up ladies (and gents) - if we keep at it we can all reach our goals!
Oh yes - and that photo is a picture of my nephew-of-the-heart Rowan and myself :) Isn't he cute?
Oh yes - and that photo is a picture of my nephew-of-the-heart Rowan and myself :) Isn't he cute?