Monday Moodboard

Green Sea Killer Whale Tail
$17.00 I long for the warm weather, the sun, the fresh air in the sweet summer mornings. And most importantly...No More Snow and Dreary Weather...cold, damp and just plain yucky! We are due for more snow this week, viruses are running rampant in my town (and my home), and everyone is afflicted with either cabin fever and want to get outside or seasonal affective disorder and are lost in a slump of depression waiting for the sun to shine.

So, in dreaming of warm weather, salty ocean breezes and beautiful sun, I present to you a small collection of items to brighten up your day! Purchasing information can be found at the bottom of every item....and Enjoy!

Damselfish and Acropora Original Paper Sculpture

Retro Inspired Tropical Pink Flamingo and Palm Tree Cameo Earrings

Palm Trees - Tropical Paradise
A Scrabble Tile Pendant

Original Seaweed Artwork
Alganet Seaweed Pressing

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and sweet dreams for a sunny, warm tomorrow!