Blog Features Full!

Okay, I took the offer to an Etsy forum and booked up the rest of the year (and then some) in about 5 minutes. I'm sorry if you got here too late...I began promoting this earlier on in the week. Thank you for all who expressed interest and stay tuned over the next month and a half to see who has really cool stuff! Oh, and thank you, Karen, for the testimonial!!!!

Here is the original post from earlier today:
As I wish to begin running your features next week, I have to wrap this offer up. I currently have several openings available. Here's what it basically is: You comment that you want me to do a feature on you and your products, leaving me your etsy shop or email so I can contact you.. I send you the interview questions and other pertinent info. You send back the questions, but with answers, along with a .jpg of an item you want to give-away during your feature run. When the winner is chosen, I send you winners mail winner your item!

Please keep in mind that your give away item doesn't need to be a big whopping deal or pricey, for that matter. Something small that represents your talent and workmanship is quite sufficient.

What have you got to lose? A feature is like free advertising! Comment below with your email or etsy shop so I can contact you. I do not have Outlook, so I can't get you from your Blogger profile.