What? What's that? That's right! I'm doing a Clearance Sale!!! Why? Why not??? Ok, seriously, the reason is that it's the Christmas season and it's a great time to do a sale, and I was looking at my table at the bazaar last weekend and it was pretty full! Now a big reason for that was that I had a pretty pathetic summer health wise and wasn't able to do any bazaars, which is where I usually make most of my sales, so I built up a lot of inventory! Well, if I want to keep creating (and I have ideas coming a million miles a minute) I need to make room for them!

I don't think I'm going to hear anybody complain am I?

Right now I just have earrings in the clearance section, BUT I plan on adding more items over the next couple of days! So check back :) Want a sneak peak at what you can find? Here ya go! Oh and don't forget, there's no shipping in my shop right now too!