Time flies... Handmade Jewelry Club is turning 1 year old today! I started the blog to capture my journey in jewelry making, to make friends as well as to learn what blogging is all about. I must say the past 1 year has been a wonderful year for me to explore new things. I think I achieved some of my resolution after I delivered my baby... ie give myself a life other than just stuck with my 3 angels and my loving hubby.
The milestones of HJC
...has attracted around 80+ of members - close to the max of 100 allowed by blogger.
...close to 70k page views from 27k+ of visits
I have since quite addicted to blogging. Some of you could have realised that I have launched a social networking website called http://www.diylessons.ning.com/. Another great avenue to learn and to share anything handmade/ DIY!
On my own personal development, I have
...developed some tutorials for beginners
...Learned the trades of blogging and social media
...With limited time i have, I do not really actively create for selling purpose. It is still at hobby level. However, I have inspired some friends around me to start making jewelry as their business.
I am in the midst of working on some interesting plan. Do follow me at ww.twitter.com/janechew or Subscribe here to find out the latest development.
I am in the midst of working on some interesting plan. Do follow me at ww.twitter.com/janechew or Subscribe here to find out the latest development.