There's a degree where it's simply not possible for me to catch up! I'm doing the best I can though - and I know you all will forgive me for my usual posting schedule getting all messy like this week - because your the most awesome blog followers ever!
On top of life being busy - I hurt my shoulder. *rolls eyes* So I was already scrambling a little bit to juggle everything, and then I had to go and make it hurt to type, carry anything, or even stand for long periods of time! Argh! Fortunately I'm healing quickly :) Which is why I'm typing this!
As a result I'm leaving up last weeks featured item (look to the right) - and there will be no Tuesday's Tips this week - but it should be back next week!
I was in a treasury! It's closed now because I'm behind - but I still want to show it off and say a big thanks to PruittDesign for featuring my hemp bracelet!