I'm getting used to our weekend routine, we are both learning to love the Greyhound system. Last weekend was great, I feel like all we do is eat and drink when we are together..atleast I won't be getting fat alone! I didn't end up meeting his Mom last week, so I got all nervous for nothing. It's on for this weekend though. They are having breakfast at their house on Sunday, and for me..it's never awkward when food is involved. AND it's a chance for me to show off my culinary skills! Homemade from scratch sticky buns...MY FAVORITE!
I'm getting spoiled with all texting and calling we are doing. It sucks because in the back of my mind I know when he is deployed it won't be happening. But on a positive note, I'll probably be able to get rid of my unlimited texting though..and have a much cheaper cell phone bill!