1. What type of art work do you do?
I love creating colorful and whimsical artwork. I like to paint on wood mainly. But I also enjoy translating my ideas and designs into art quilts, fabric bowls and most recently fabric pendants. Fabric intrigues me and I love trying to manipulate and play with it in odd ways.
2. How did you get started doing art work?
I've always loved expressing myself creatively. But only about 6 years ago did I start creating things. It began with quilts and just took off from there. After I started quilting, I discovered art quilts....which really intrigued me! The fact that you don't have to follow strict rules like you do with quilts.....fun!! As I started experimenting and making small art quilts, making and trading ATC"s was becoming very popular. So I started making smaller fabric ATC's to trade....which then led to trying out other mediums. ATC's and their smaller format really allowed me to experiment with mediums that I wasn't entirely comfortable with yet (such as painting and clay). After that, things just took off and I just started playing and having fun!
3. Do you do any other crafts?
Quilting was the first thing that got me started down the road of crafting and expressing myself creatively and it's still holds a special place in my heart. I don't make quilts that often but I do enjoy the process when I get the chance. I also enjoy playing around with polymer clay, although I'm definitely still learning when it comes to this medium. I'm having a ton of fun with it though! I find that crafting and being creative is just too much fun not to try all the different types of things out there. I certainly have my core artwork but I just enjoy playing too much not to at least try other things.
4. What's your favorite piece in your shop right now?

Right now, it's my "Expressions of Love" piece. It was a piece that wasn't pre-planned at all and just kind of happened, so I'm very pleased with how it turned out.
5. Where do you sell your work?
Right now I only sell on etsy, although I have an artfire shop as well, I just haven't had the time to fill it yet.
6. Do you blog?
Yes I do, and love love love it! My blog address is:
7. Are you on any social networks you'd like to share?
Facebook: http://artist.to/curiousmess/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/curiousmess

8. Do you watch or listen to anything while you work? If so, what?
Most of the time, when I work I will pop in one of the seasons of the Simpsons. I just love the background noise and it's something that won't totally distract me. If I'm not in the mood to watch something, I'll put my Ipod on shuffle. Some artists that are in the regular rotation are Jason Mraz, Damien Rice, Mika, and ANYTHING 80's! :)
9. Tell us one random fact about your self *wink*
I'm a tad OCD when I eat. I have to compose each and every bite. I guess my rationalization is that if I don't finish everything on my plate....at least I got the best out of each bite. lol Apparently this looks really odd because my husband caught me doing it one time and thought I had found a bug in my food.