I spent the whole day yesterday with my kids. Their half-sister is having a baby today, so they have to go to Dad's for some time to see the baby. They are so excited! I did spend a little time yesterday morning connecting with the contacts I had made.
Today, I spent three hours trying to get my house back in order and after the kids go, my husband gets me for the rest of the day. I still have to re-open my Etsy shop. I had my husband put it on vacation Sunday morning. All my things are one of a kind and if something sells in my shop that sold Sunday, I've pretty much painted myself in a little pickle! Hubby is on vacation for the rest of the week, so I may not work too much. I have more showings coming up this summer, so I can't vacation too long!
I apologize to my dedicated droppers for not dropping for a few days. I have been trying to catch back up with you all and will be in full swing by the end of the week. So many blogs and friends to catch up on...it may take me a while!