Ok - before I forget! Happy 4th of July! I hope you have a great day and have lots of fun! We're hoping to go hang out with my evil twin tonight if I'm feeling good enough!
So last night I got ambitious and decided to clean! Now if I was smart I would have taken a "before" picture. But I wasn't smart. I wasn't thinking about blogging when I started cleaning. Just about cleaning!
My work space is a table that I share with my hubby for our computers, and then a card table next to it with all my beady stuff. I do try to put things away when I'm done with them, I really do, but I'm, um, very distractable. Especially when I have new ideas! (which is most of the time) So things tend to pile up and every once in awhile I'm forced to make myself clean so that I can keep working without completely losing my mind (which is mostly gone to begin with).
Part of the problem with my work space was that I had stuff that I do need to have around, and I do use, but there was really no place to put it. So it was just piled up on the table, and I tried to work around it. Well, I realized that I do have drawers I cold put them into, I just had to get rid of the junk that was in the drawers!
Did I mention I'm also a compulsive hoarder? I'm getting better since I've moved so many times in the last year, but it's still hard to get rid of anything that I could possibly find a use for. And since I'm such a creative person, I can think of ideas for just about anything! But last night I cleaned out a couple of drawers and reorganized so I could the mess in them. Ok, so honestly, some of it got shuffled to a box to that went in the closet, but I DID get rid of some stuff!
Next I cleaned off my workspace. I started that project last night, but ran out of energy so I finished it this morning. That meant putting things in the drawers I cleaned out last night, and putting away the detritus from many recent projects! Especially cleaning off my planning board.
My planning board is actually what started all of this. I have a custom order that I can't do with out laying it out - and my board was covered in the remains of old projects and pieces I want to use in upcoming projects! That's all taken care of now. Not only is my planning board clean (completely for once), but I can also see my desk! I even took a Lisol wipe to the top of it to clean off the dust and spare beads :)
Can you believe I'd love to have MORE??? I'm addicted...
And because this post wouldn't be complete with out showing off my lap top (his name is Jack)! See the blue in front of it? That's a bead mat. Yes, I generally bead in front of my laptop. It gets shifted around so I can work, but most of it takes place right here folks!