and I'm trapped at the computer! It really did take me hours yesterday to get pictures of all of my latest kiln-loads ready to post. So far only the
loopy connectors are on the website but everything else is on the docket for today to get added. In addition to the loopy connectors I made a few holeless circle window pendants, I think they work well as connectors or toggle loops or for lariats to slip through.

Also some window cut-out pendants. These have always been among my favorites (the fact that one was used for a project in the Spring 2008 issue of Stringing, my first item used in a publication, helps!).

Lots of keys on the way-

I haven't replenished my starfish stock in a long time. Maybe because it's been so warm and beachy weathered lately they came back into my thoughts!

Lots of work today but I'm so excited, tomorrow will be my chance to go see Harry Potter!