I know I've talked a bunch about 48 for Larry - and I'm not going to stop! The Radio-a-thon starts tomorrow at 6pm EST. This is truly a worthy cause guys - and the silent auction portion is coming together wonderfully! There are currently 16 pages of items to bid on! You can even start bidding now if you want - but nothing will be updated until the radio-a-thon starts. I thought I'd share with you just a few of the wonderful items being auctioned off. And believe me, it was hard to choose!
Of course I have to show off the Necklace I donated :)
Retail Value: $40
Minimum starting bid: $4
I don't know how she does these...
Retail Value: $10
Minimum Starting Bid: $1

I love Butterfly's!
Retail Value: $24.00
Minimum Starting bid: $2.40

Ok - ya'll know I can't resist purple...
Retail Price: $8.50
Minimum Starting Bid: $0.85

Isn't this just too precious for words?
Retail Price: $65
Minimum Starting Bid: $6.50

I tried not to feature too much jewelry -
but these are from my friend Meri :D
Retail Price: $14.00
Minimum Starting Bid: $1.40

I HAVE this bracelet :D
Retail: $15.00
Minimum Starting Bid: $1.50

So what are you waiting for? Go check out the rest of the auction!