Wow, I can not believe how many wonderful suggestions you all came up with for my unnamed glazes! I am clearly going to have to do this more often! There were several names that I thought were just a perfect description of the shade but were a little on the long side for when I'm posting things on the website. I had to pass them by for the glaze name but I think they will definitely be showing up later as the name of a jewelry project using that glaze.

So, without further ado... I introduce Whiskey and Twilight!

Congratulations Sharon and Abbellisca. Courtesy of, Silver Parrot is the winner of the Wheat Window pendant for blogging about my contest. Please send me a note with your mailing addresses so I can get your rewards out to you!
I had the pleasure of opening my mailbox to discover the August issue of
Bead Trends with my Peridot Jellyfish earrings featured! These earrings mix sterling silver chain, peridot, little tiny Bali beads, and my porcelain bead caps.

There are so many beautiful projects in the issue, look for another great piece by Erin of
Tresori Trovati as well.
Stay tuned, I have several new jewelry pieces using my ceramic pendants that will be debuting in the next week!