So let's start with a little eye candy created by
Lorelei using one of my Peacock Sari Leaf pendants:

After a little blip in my plans yesterday (i.e. rock solid porcelain!), I have coaxed my clay back to a workable consistency. So, I plan to do some wonderful new experiments today, hopefully what is in my head translates into the mud!
As I mentioned in a
previous post, I have a pair of earrings in the July issue of
Bead Trends. If you haven't seen this glossy, gorgeous, amazingly photographed publication...what are you waiting for?! Although it isn't as widely distributed as some of the other jewelry magazines, they have an online version available so anyone can access it. There's also a
Bead Trends blog to check out.

For those of you who haven't had a chance to see this beautiful magazine, I have an extra copy of the July issue that I'd love to give to a good home. Leave me a comment with your favorite source of jewelry inspiration- could be a publication, a place, things, whatever does it for you- and I'll do a random drawing on Wednesday July 8th. (destinations just within the U.S. please)
If you already have the magazine, feel free to comment and just mention that you don't need an entry. Good luck!