Sorry I missed last week's Tuesday's Tips guys! Life's just been insane! But I'm back on track...at least with this one post. *wink*
I want to continue talking about inspiration, but before I do any more of my own talking, I thought I'd share some of the responses I got to the last post about inspiriation. Now maybe I'm cheating to quote all of you - but I found the variety of responses intriquing! Don't worry, I promise I'll actually do some of my own writing next week.
Memories for life Scrapbooks said: "I've gotten lots of ideas from my customers. When they ask for custom albums...my mind gets to wandering as to how I can market a new kind of custom album. I'm making one with pockets right now...how cool is that :)" (and you can see it featured at the top of this post!)
Story Beader said: "you have blogs on your list, but also the internet at large (photographs, artists, nature, etc.)" (Great reminder - thanks!)
Beaded Tail said: "I get inspiration from many sources but it's often hard for me to figure out how to do what I want to do since my mind doesn't think creatively. I have an idea for beadwoven earrings but don't even know how to begin - do you give lessons? :D" (Why yes, I do :) Not sure how that would work over the internet though :P And I happen to think she's quite creative from looking at her shop!)
I also am inspired by the fabrics! Certain fabrics inspire certain projects..plusi just love fabric.. " (Believe me, this lady has more ideas than she knows what to do with most days!)
Nomadcreationsetc said: "Conversations are where we get most of our inspiration. Whether if it is from customers, each other, our kids, our dogs or from the check out lady at the store our inspiration is from a ton of conversations."
(I personally think that's an awesome way to find inspiration!)
Leather Made Nice said: "I guess I am one of those folks whom receives inspiration through dreams. I am artistic but unimaginative - go figure!" (I find inspiration through my dreams some times too.)
Unique Commodities said: "I get inspiration from a lot of different things... an outfit,a color I see, an animal, LOL lots of stuff" (Sounds a lot like me!)
Splendid Little Stars said: "I like to look at patterns, such as the play of light through leaves, or the pattern light makes on a wall or ceiling, or reflections of light through water. Perhaps the pattern is something like metal grill work. On my recent vacation I saw lots of these. I love looking at flowers and their amazing patterns." (And this lady has an amazing eye for detail - her photos are stunning! I tend to look at patterns too for some of my bead weaving.)
The Eclectic Element said: "I'm one who can find inspiration anywhere like you.
Especially different looking beads, random pieces of junk jewelry, etc. It's weird, I will look at it and all of a sudden see a totally different thing in my mind-It's like it creates itself in my mind before I realize what's happening!" (You'd be amazed at how much this artist and I have in common :P)