Off topic from the antique button jewelry world, I know, but just as important just the same! I know...I'm what, 41? Well, when it comes to Alice, I will never grow up! I own The Complete Works of Lewis Carrol, The Annotated Alice, and Alice's Adventures Under Ground which is the published facsimile of the original story and artwork by Lewis Carrol for the original recipient. This is in addition to various other editions in my collection.
My favorite computer game? American McGee's Alice.
My favorite Disney movie? Alice in Wonderland.
My favorite mug? My Alice in Wonderland mug that depicts Alice under a tree with the Cheshire cat. The best part? The cat disappears (except his smile) when the mug is full of hot water!
My husband got me a very nicely framed picture depicting various matted illustrations from Tenniel (my favorite Alice illustrator). I prize my Polish hand blown Alice Christmas ornaments, as well as my plethora of other Alice collectibles and clothes. What can I say? That story pulled me out of many a funk when I was a kid and I am happy to say that it still does to this day!
Now...the best part of Tim Burton recreating this wonderful classic? You can be that Johnny Depp will be cast in there somewhere.

And, to my pleasure, he is one of my favorite characters...The Mad Hatter! My other favorite? The Cheshire Cat. Either way, I can't lose! Yes, I admit it. I have been in love with Johnny Depp since I saw him in Nightmare on Elm Street as a teenager when the movie first came out in theaters. It was actually a date I went on. Poor date. He could never compare to the handsome creature that met his fate by being eaten by the bed. Have been smitten ever since then. Don't worry, Johnny, I'm not a stalker...just an admirer (and dreamer)! My husband is still jealous of Mr. Depp...after all these years!
Okay, enough of my rant. Just be it known that I will be waiting patiently for 2010!