Two weeks later we got to spend his 96 together for the July 4th weekend. The weekend couldn't have started off more perfect. He surprised me by showing up in his uniform with a bouquet of beautiful roses! I brought him to Sonic, I love being the person to bring people for their first Sonic experiece! We saw Transformers (apparently his first movie in the theaters in six years..I'm starting to thing Ohio is actually under a giant rock!) The next day I took him to a baseball game, he hasn't been to a baseball game in forever! I think being from Boston gives me an unfair baseball advantage! On the Fourth we went to the lake, ate yummy sushi and hungout with some of my friends from back home. And of course we saw fireworks! It was a perfect weekend!

Last weekend was probably the biggest of our adventures. The original idea was for him and a few friends to drive out here to go to a free concert in Raleigh. However, it turned out to be "lets go to the show and then drive back to Jacksonville." I was all for it! That means I would be getting out of my house and able to spend time with Danny! We went to Topsail Beach with a bunch of his friends and a few of their girlfriends. I've gotten really close with one of the girls, Deven (who leaves to go back to Texas this weekend, which makes me sad!) I love that he brings me around his friends and that his friends actually seem to like me! My last night there the guys had formation and I was able to have girl talk with Deven. It was so easy talking to her about everything I was feeling. Her and her Marine are married, and not living together, so she totally understands how I feel about everything. I'm going to miss her when she goes back to Texas!

This weekend is going to be an adventure as well! Danny is picking me up tomorrow and we're going to spend a day in Wilmington. In a few weeks we'll be in Myrtle Beach. And for Labor Day...I'm bringing him back to Boston with me!
I just realized as I'm writing this that I should not get used to planning so far in advance. Which is going to be SO hard for me, I am a planner..it's what I do. It's now making sense to me why Danny is a "go with the flow" kind of guy. Maybe we should slow down with the plans..and go with the flow!
I feel like this post was one big ramble! Sorry! I just wanted to catch everyone up! Posts will be more normal from now on!!!