Besides making jewelry, Amanda likes to put her talents to a sewing machine and would like to eventually add clothing and handbags to her line of fabulous adornments. Can't you just see some coastal beachwear and bags with her beautiful beach glass jewelry? Hint, hint, Amanda!
Since Amanda has been on Etsy, she has seen a definite evolution of her artisan pieces. She notes that they have gone from cute and simple to more elegant, higher quality and more sophisticated. To me, one of the pay-offs of being an artisan is watching your pieces evolve over time. It shows real growth as an artisan. Now that's big!
Organization is key for any artisan and Amanda has her system down pat. She keeps notebooks chock-full of ideas in addition to retaining all her pictures of previous pieces so she can actually see how her art has evolved. This also helps her to refer back to techniques she has used in the past. When she hits a creative road block, Amanda takes a break to refresh her creative mind. She feels her work is higher quality if she is not pressed with the demand to create and finds she creates better when she is relaxed and can concentrate on the flow of ideas that come to her. Amanda feels that she works better alone with the TV mumbling in the background. Although she tends to tune it out anyway so as not to distract her from her creativity, she cannot work well with silence, either.
Currently, Amanda's pieces are available exclusively on Etsy. However, she will be moving to Oregon in a few months and plans to feature her pieces in area shops and at shows it time permits. She will always be on Etsy, so never fear, as she loves the support that is offered to artisans by fellow artisans! Amanda is so very proud of herself for attempting to offer her pieces to the public and finds that this currently is her greatest accomplishment for her business at this time. At the same time, attaining regular sales and keeping above the fold with fellow jewelry artists is a challenge. She promotes her work on Twitter, Facebook, her blog and constantly has sales and specials. Amanda, please note that you are not alone on this avenue. There are so many jewelry artists out there and it is very hard to achieve and to remain above the fold! One of her secrets, however, is word of mouth marketing with her friends and family. She does see more results online after incorporating Twitter and Facebook into the mix, so she finds that those avenues are worth pursuing.
I asked Amanda if she could offer any advice to fellow artisans. This is what she had to say:
"Stick with it and offer really great quality products. There are a lot of sellers out there so you have to stand out to make people want to come back to you"
You can find Amanda on her Etsy shop, on Twitter, Facebook fan pages, and her blog. Be sure to check her out and say Hello!