Last night we had our first Christmas party (well I guess technically the second, but I don't really count the on base boring "party.") My grandparents always have a big Christmas party with all the cousins...but for some reason this year Nana decided to change tradition. Instead it was just their kids, grandchildren and their spouses. Super small, but still lots of fun!
Danny got the best Christmas present of the night...and probably of the entire Christmas season. It's been an ongoing joke that Danny loves Miley Cyrus (she was even part of our wedding toast and of course our dog is Miley!) Well, my uncle and aunt got Danny a year membership to the Miley Cyrus Fan Club. WAY TOO FUNNY!
I think I'm finally starting to get into the Christmas mood. And today we are decorating our Christmas tree! Now, we just need a little snow so we can have a white Christmas....and so Miley can play in it for the first time!