Beading As Therapy

Everything comes with a story, a history. One thing becomes special over the other because of its significance on the owner. I found some inspirational stories on jewelries that to you could be just a normal accessory, but for the maker, their creation is a milestone.

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In an article written by Michelle Mach, she interviewed Lindsay Ross, the managing editor of Children’s Healing Arts Project (CHAP). This program teaches young hospitalized kids, together with their families, how to bead. (Source: Beading as Therapy: The Children's Healing Arts Project Apr 20, 2008 by Michelle Mach)

According to Ross, the program was inspired by a teenager girl who had recently lost her father because of cancer. She used to stay in the hospital with her father for most times of the days while her father was there and she developed a lot of hobbies to pass the time. She then discovered that one of her past times gave her peace of mind and calmness to her soul, beading. She brought “Beside Beads” to the hospital and offered classes in beading to patients and their families.

Ross also added that “CHAP's mission is to bring the healing power of art to children in crisis, but the ripple effect of our work is helping bring peace to the families that surround and support a child that is sick. Bead classes in the hospitals give a family something of value to take away, a small work of art to mark the day, as memory and love are built into the jewelry they make.” The success of this program truly inspires. One of the readers even left a comment and she says: I am a 46 year old woman who has multiple sclerosis and degenertive disc disease (I have many rods and screws in my back). Pain is a giant part of my day. I am master gardener that just loved to play in the dirt. My condition has progressed that I am no longer able to garden. This is the first spring that I won't be able to plant anything. It's been a very hard adjustment, but, I have put all my energy into beading. I can be creative with beads like I was with gardening. Beading is really helping me to forget about what I can't do. I love beading and it doesn't hurt at all! (Nancy S, April 21, 2008)

To begin begin beading, you can also find various beading tutorial articles and e-books on the world wide web!

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