I Want it Wednesday

I'm not asking for much this week...just a little sleep. I'll even settle for a nap (I am the Nap Nazi..I don't do naps!)

I've settled into the routine of Danny's work schedule, we go to bed SO early. Then he gets up at 5:30, gives me a kiss and it takes me awhile to fall back to sleep...and I'm still up at 7. EW!

Add Miley to the mix...in bed by 10, waking up when I hear scratching and to make sure she hasn't peed anywhere, waking up at 5:30 when Danny gets up and takes Miley out, having to get Miley to stop crying because Danny left, and being woken up at 7:00 cuz she wants to eat. Potty training is EXHAUSTING ("Miley go potty" I feel so retarded saying it, but it works...every hour!) Two walks a day, constantly throwing a toy, trying to get her to stop scratching herself. OH! And making dinner, cleaning the house (which attracts dirt like crazy, thank you Miley!) and trying to fit in a shower..with a whining dog. UGH!

So, to all you Moms out there...I don't know how you do it. Especially working Moms!Currently I'm thankful I don't have a job...I get to potty train her the right way!

Buying a crate tonight. I've decided crate training is the way to go! It will break my heart when she whines though! Any tips?