As I'm following my random topic post from last weekend, I'll try to keep thing a little more restrained this week!

Today was a crazy busy day so I'm looking forward to spending most of tomorrow with my hands in the clay. I have a lot of my patterned bead caps to stock up on and several designs that I think I'm completely out of on my website. Unfortunately I don't tend to check and see what I've sold out of and replenish, I instead create whatever the whim is that day! Sometimes that means I end up with three of the same pendant and nothing in another glaze or pattern for months! I need to work on that. I also need to work on getting things into my Etsy shop so I have better exposure there, I've been adding everything to my website lately. So, all that said...since I'll be doing serious clay work tomorrow if there's anything you want in a particular, pattern, shape, glaze, etc or something special, today is the day to ask me for it since I'll be up to my elbows in clay!