I am skipping Wordless Wednesday to show you something that means a lot to my daughter. Tayelor joined a group on FaceBook "To Write Love On Her Arms". Teens are encouraged to write 'love' on their arms today to increase awareness of self-harm, teen depression and suicide. My daughter came downstairs all ready for track this morning (they have off this week for spring break) saying, "Mom, you're probably going to get mad, but...." and shows me her arms. After she explained what it is for, how could I get mad?

So, yes, I let her go out of the house with 'love' repeatedly written all over her arm.

Which reminds me, if this is a topic of interest to you, check out this blog. I try to hit it every so often and am always dragging my daughter to the computer to check it out. It has great resources for parents and teens alike. I promise you, it will be well worth your while!

For more information about
To Write Love on Her Arms, visit the website!
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.