She has two shops, Artfire and Etsy. She makes lovely knitted items like scarves and hats - the Soft. And the Shiny are the jewelry pieces she also makes. Soft N' Shiny does something special. A certain amount of her jewelry pieces are devoted to a variety of awareness themes such as autism, breast cancer, and congenital heart defects. Here are just a few of the items you can find in her shops.
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Featured Crafter: SoftNShiny
She has two shops, Artfire and Etsy. She makes lovely knitted items like scarves and hats - the Soft. And the Shiny are the jewelry pieces she also makes. Soft N' Shiny does something special. A certain amount of her jewelry pieces are devoted to a variety of awareness themes such as autism, breast cancer, and congenital heart defects. Here are just a few of the items you can find in her shops.