
Thank you to Whitney at Everything Happens For a Reason for this great award! The rules of the award are to post seven things about yourself and give it to seven other versatile bloggers.

1. I, like Whitney, have never broke a bone. Well, atleast not my own! I once broke my sisters collar bone while we were trying to practice a sweet Nsync dance move. I think I cried more than she did!

2. I love baking from scratch and by don't always HAVE to use the mixer! Everything tastes better AND it's a great workout.

3. I have mentioned this before by saying "I don't drive." I think some of you have taken that as "I don't like driving." When really it means "I don't have a license because I'm scared shitless."

4. I hate using electricity. I freak out whenever I look at the meter. I'd rather sweat to death than pay for air conditioner! (Danny hates this I'm sure!)

5. Elizabeth from The View makes me angry.

6. I might cry during the LOST finale. It makes me sad that the series is over in less than a week!

7. If there is a meal on a menu and no one knows what it is...I'll get it. I'm daring..and could totally be on Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmerman!

As for who I'm giving this too..I can't choose! SO, if you are reading this, I'm giving it to you! I love all my readers and think you all deserve an award!