She's Finally Here!!!
Just came today. UPS. I have waited almost a week to get Mother's Day present! Mike ordered it two weeks ago so I could get it before last Sunday, but he didn't see the drop-down box where you order the size cover you want in his online cart before he checked out We didn't get a shipping confirmation by last Friday, so Mike called. That's when they said they were waiting to find out what size cover was needed. Hmmmm....if they don't call us to let us know, how do we know they are waiting?! I spoke to them on the phone and ordered the small cover. Will be mailed that day.
Monday comes (the day after Mother's Day) and still no confirmation email. For some reason, it didn't ship Friday as promised, so it will go in the mail that day.
So today, she finally came!
I carefully open the box and peek inside:
Mike helped me to settle her name...Paige. I wanted to name her Bettie. I just love Bettie Page (I got BP t-shirts, lunchboxes, stickers, a ring, books, key chain, etc), and I thought it would be so fitting to name her after Bettie Page as Bettie used to make all her own clothes she used to model in. Way kinda girl! Here is the conversation:
Lisa: I'm going to name her Bettie.
Mike: You can't name her Bettie, you already have a Bettie! You can't have two Betties!
(I named my black Jeep after Bettie years ago...)
Lisa: I can have two Betties! One in the house, one in the garage.
Mike: And are you going to deal with Bettie pouting in the garage when she finds out you named a doll the same name as her?
Me...thinking... *hmmm....good point*
Lisa: Well, then if I can't name her Bettie, I'll name her Page but spell it P-A-I-G-E. Paige is a girl's name.
I love her and can't wait to alter the cover and start using her, but one thing disturbs me.....
That's quite a rack she has!
How the heck am I gonna jam those......
in this?!
So I waited for Mike to get done with his conference calls so he could help me alter the cover, but he sidetracked me by taking me to Tantalus for dinner:

Yea, it's obviously a cell phone picture! Tantalus is in the heart of East Aurora, NY. It is has an artsy, warehouse feel with jazz fusion and eclectic kind of place!
What did I blow Paige off for? The most delicious seared duck with fresh strawberries, goat cheese and brown sugar encrusted walnuts over a fresh bed of baby greens served with a brown sugar balsamic dressing. Out of this world! Wish I would have taken a picture of was so pretty:(
So, Paige will have to wait until tomorrow as I couldn't take a normal measurement of myself if I tried right now. I will post another log of the fun I have trying to squeeze that tiny cover on her massive body!