Experimenting with different beads is a great fun! Our interviewee for today is a woman who takes time to work with beads and produce jewelries that are worth every penny of yours. Let's see some jewelries made by Valerie Baird of MissValCreations.
This Red Jasper Jewelry Set is perfect for those outfits with an earthly theme. Jasper stones are associated with balancing physical, emotional, and spiritual energies.

Then we have here a colorful lanyard necklace which is wonderful as gifts for Mother Day's celebrations.
What I love about this Eyeglass Chain is that it never contradicts with any outfit. Miss Val indeed chose good colors for this chain.
So let's not tarry and get to know Valerie Baird a little.
Jane: Tell us about yourself, your location, your job and your goals
Miss Val: I am a part time crafter. Since I have a full time job I am limited with how much time I can put into my business. A dream of mine is to be creating jewelry and selling jewelry findings full time. Maybe some day!
Jane: How did you start doing jewelry (or beadmaking) as a business?
Miss Val:
The craft began for me in the Fall of 2006 with a trip to the craft store. I picked up some inexpensive beading supplies and findings and became an instant addict to jewelry making. It gets to a point where this becomes an expensive hobby unless you create to sell! This is how my jewelry business began.
Jane: Every artist has a personal "creative process", can you explain yours?
Miss Val:
The creative process for me varies. I have a few niches where I am making the same items over and over again but this is still gratifying because my customers keep coming. My favorite work is when I find a really unique pendant or cool gemstones that inspire a piece I create.
Jane: When people start doing jewelry, they tend to try a lot of different things before settling down to something that resonates with them, tell us how has your jewelry work changed since you began?
Miss Val:
I started mainly beading necklaces, bracelets and earrings. Although they sell well in person they may take longer to sell online. I began to experiment with other items and now work often on lanyards and eyeglass chains.
And that's what we have from MissValCreations. If you want to purchase some of her works, visit her site and shop to your heart's content:
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