Speaking of New Beads.....Bead Soup

bead soup ingredients from Diana!

I'm in a Bead Soup Blog Party and my supplies came this week! Quick brief of the rules: You are paired with a party partner in which you swap stuff from your stash to include a focal, a clasp and some beads. When you receive your goodies from your partner, you create a piece by the deadline and the Blog Party begins!

My partner was the lovely Diana from Vintage Blue Studio. She is known for making gorgeous ceramic focals!

Here's a breakdown of what she sent me:

One of her gorgeous white stoneware pendants with a
watercolor glaze that she created herself :)
and a couple Swarovski crystals.....

....some Fancy-Shmancy vintage buttons
from a recent score of hers....

A fabulous and artsy clasp....just love it...

...and a bunch of super-cool stones including:

I tried so hard to capture the transparent quality and shimmer
of the moonstone...
alas....unsuccessful :(

same with the mica-like vibrancy and iridescence here...

So...I'm thinking "Ocean Splendour" with the theme of this mix. I know...I could see ocean in a pile of dog p.....*ahem*....you get the picture. I love the ocean so much and live so far away from it. My solution? My coral reef saltwater tank in the family room!

On a side note, Paige will actually be getting clothes this weekend! I am finally at my normal size again and can't wait to dress her up! Don't worry, you get to see the pictures next week!

Anyway, it's too late to join the bead soup blog party at this time, but visit Lori Anderson's Pretty Things and keep up-to-date on her so you don't miss the next one!