Day 1: Toys, No Cone & Cheeseburger Meatloaf

We've had Kaleb since Friday, but this is Day One at our house. So, this is when the fun really starts!

Since we picked him up, he's been talking about his "presents." It's not his birthday, so I don't really think he should expect presents. I asked why he thought he was getting presents, his response was "cuz my mom told me I was." It's a good thing I had that package from my Mom! He loved everything in it and Danny had him call her to say thank you. But he still wanted to know where his presents were.How many toys does this kid need? He brought two bags with him! So, we told him we could go to Walmart and buy one toy and some books so we can read together. He liked that idea! We came home with toys for the beach, 2 books and a coloring book. He asked me to teach him how to read. I, of course, said yes. So I asked what his mom read to him...he said she doesn't....

We took Miley's cone off today! It's so nice to have my pretty puppy back! She hasn't been bothering with the area at all. And she's already back to her crazy antics, but I love it! We went for a little walk before dinner! Of course I snapped some shots!

I need a tripod! I wanted to be in this picture!

I was a little nervous about dinner, but it's safe to say if Danny eats it, Kaleb will eat it. I made cheeseburger meatloaf tonight! Basically, everything you would put into a burger, including pickles! baked together in meatloaf form. He ate it up...but didn't like the mashed potatoes! I thought that was a kid staple! He got to have a blondie for dessert. He looked at Danny and said, "Daddy you're right...she IS a good cook." Yep, totally made my day! 

More fun tomorrow...and Danny has the day off!