I need help before I go completely insane. I love Miley to death, BUT her constant whining has got to go. I honestly think she has some sort of separation anxiety, she only does it when Danny isn't here. Here is a day in the life of Miley...
- 5:30am - Danny wakes up for work and takes Miley out to pee
- Anytime between 6:30 and 7:00 (never later...arg.) she stares at me until I wake up..if that doesn't work, she paws at my face/back/arms until I wake up to feed her and take her out
- After eating until Danny gets home..walks around the house whining and barking. Maybe she wants to go out? Nah, she just stands there. Bored? Lets play ball! ADD kicks in, she only plays for a maximum of five minutes.
- Danny gets home, stops whining. Seriously? What the hell. I'm the one who feeds and plays with her..she's supposed to like me more!
She DOESN'T KNOW HER NAME. Seriously, I only call her Miley. No other names. And yet she completely ignores me. This has become the most annoying thing ever.
I can't get anything done around the house. I get aggravated and cranky before Danny comes home. I have terrible headaches and I'm losing sleep.