A Visit From Home!

My friend Lindsey came down to visit me and Danny over the weekend! It was so great to hear the thick Boston accent in person and not just over the phone! When she left Massachusetts it was a freeeezing 20 degrees. When she landed in Jacksonville it was 10:30 in the morning and already 70 degrees! She was very excited! It was great to have one of my best girl friends around...we had lots to chat about and before I knew it Danny was home from work and it was time for dinner. Steaks on the grill? Yes please!

Friday was absolutely gorgeous out. I slathered on my SPF baby 50 and we headed to the beach. Lindsey is nuts, she went swimming! I had goosebumps with just my toes in the water! Even with my insane skin protection and only an hour on the beach, I got red. No big shocker there. Sucks!

I have been wanting a pedicure so bad lately (because well, when I got one for our wedding they whipped out power tools and I don't want that happening again!) We drove around and found a random place, and waited in a massage chair for an hour. It felt AMAZING on my back (however today I feel like someone punched me in the back and left huge bruises....) and then we got the cheapest and most amazing pedicures. I love having my legs and feet massaged...I was in heaven! (sidenote: while we were getting pedicures Miley and Danny took a nap...or so Danny thought...Miley ate a half pound of beef jerky AND the packet that says "do not eat"....the after effects were not pretty. Lucky puppy-mommy!)

I've been craving a bar. First we headed to Red Robin for delicious burgers (and a weak margarita.) Then we headed out to the Jacksonville scene. Or lack-thereof. Let's just say my night ended with beers from Walmart and McDonalds french fries. Very unsuccessful night!

Saturday night was much better. Me, Danny, Lindsey and Breanna headed down to Wilmington for a comedy show. It was a beautiful day down at the Riverwalk (as usual) and the show was fun. Sixteen comics, each on for 5 minutes. Some were hilarious...some were awful! We had lots of fun!

Sunday was a waaay lazy day, I was completely exhausted...and quiet frankly, waking up at 5 to let the dog out and her staring at me at 7 every morning to feed her is TIRING. Danny is so lucky that he can atleast fall back to sleep if he's the one to take her out! Me and Lindsey did a little shopping and then we all got lunch at CiCi's (we don't have them in Massachusetts, so I think it's the best place ever...and I like to eat my weight in pizza!)

While we were out eating and enjoying ourselves, Lindsey got a phone call that her flight from Jacksonville was canceled. That was nice of them to call...only TWO hours before her flight. It was past 6:00 and they wanted her to take a flight out of New Bern at 7:40. She made it was 10 minutes to get through security! And she was in Charlotte before we even got back to our house! Nuts!

Last night me and the hubby relaxed with some SVU and went to bed early. This is going to be a long week. He has to be out of the house at 3:30 every morning and won't be home until 7 at night. It sucks for completely selfish reasons...I have a super had time falling back to sleep in the morning and it pushes back my dinner time! See, selfish reasons.

Friday I'll have more visitors from home...I love it!

And I hope everyone took time to read Mrs. Gambizzle's guest post..it was great! And if you are interested in being a guest blogger please let me know!