Guest Blogger - Mrs. Gambizzle

I'm Mrs. Gambizzle and today I am so ecstatic to be a guest blogger on one of my favorite blogs! I was so excited when she asked me to be one of her guests! I'm a little nervous too I had no idea what I was going to write about. Those of you who also follow my blog Life as a Sailor's Girl know that I am married to a sailor who recently went out to sea. I have been pretty frustrated at the fact that I haven't been able to contact him. We finally got e-mail working but still no access to phones, so I haven't heard his voice since he left.

I thought I'd share with you today an organization that I support called Cell Phones for Soldiers. I'm sure many of you have heard of it already but for those of you who haven't it's a great organization that was started by two teens. It has now raised over 2 million dollars and provided over 12 million minutes of prepaid calling time to soldiers. All you have to do is donate your old cell phones, and they take care of the rest. The organization gets paid for each phone they receive and will then provide a one hour calling card to soldiers all over the world. They even provide a prepaid shipping label you can print right off your computer so it's completely free of charge, all you have to do is take the time to ship it off! They serve all branches of the military.

So if you have old cell phones please take the time to donate them and make sure EVERY soldier gets the chance to talk to his/her family. I'm sure those of you who are mil spouses know how rough it can be, just think about those who want to call home but can't. If you know a soldier who is on deployment you can request a card for him/her, there is a form you can fill out here: Request Forms.

Once again thanks so much to A Marine's Wife for having me today you're amazing! and Thanks to all of her wonderful followers for taking the time to read!