Prototype New Name!!!!

Well, my "keep-your-hand-from-burning-while-holding-that-tea/coffee" thing-a-ma-bop has a new name. It was a tough choice...there were so many great suggestions.

I pinned it down to two:

Duni's "Hot Stuff Cuff"


Patrice's "Mean Hugger Mugger"

Now...for the winner....


Why? Because I loved how it indicated that it was to hold hot things, is a cuff that goes around the cup...and I loved the *stuff/cuff* rhyme! Patrice, yours was a VERY close second! But you would expect that Patrice would come up with a cool name...have you seen her shop?!

Okay, me your address and I'll shoot one out to you next week :)

Thanks for playing, everyone! It was fun. Now I know where to go when I'm having a hard time naming something :)