Poor Paige.
She's getting cold....and self conscious...
I had scheduled time on Saturday to fit her cover and guess what happens Friday. I'm sitting at my computer, eating lunch, dropping EC cards when all the sudden my right cheek blows up like a balloon. Pain! Mike takes a look and insists that I got bitten or stung by something that I'm allergic to. So I retreat to the bathroom to take two Bendryl. About an hour later, it goes down. Cool! Out of the woods!
Later, I grab some munchies and start munching away. Bam! There goes the balloon in my cheek again. Along with some pretty uncomfortable pain.
Long story short...I get to my dentist (doctor wouldn't see me until dental issues were ruled out) who informs me that I have a stone in my salivary gland. Nothing really you can do, you have to wait for it to pass. (since when do I have a kidney in my face?!)
Who gets that?!
Apparently me....
It finally passed, very painfully, today.
So as you can see, my weekend was pretty much shot. I'm probably going to just wait until my mom comes up from North Carolina next month. See, Mike was going to help me with the pinning and fitting, but the more I think about it...He Has No Idea How To Pin and Sew!!! I'm thinking that things keep getting in the way because someone is trying to scream to me "DON'T LET MIKE HELP YOU!!!!!
So Paige will remain nekked for a little longer. I do have a sweater on her, though....
Oh, and if you have no idea who Paige is, read the original post.