I'm Baaaack!

Did you miss me? Cuz I missed all of you! I promise I'll try to catch up on everyone's blogs...if I missed something super important, let me know please!

We had a great long weekend! Me, Danny and Miley took the ten hour trip to Ohio to see Danny's family and get Kaleb. Miley whined most of the trip up, she was probably scared because we had her cage and food with her, first time we have ever done that in the car! I hope she didn't think we were getting rid of her! The trip was long, the weather in West Virginia was crazy and we enjoyed McDonalds and Hardees. My arteries are in defense mode right now. I saw a funny looking mountain, funny looking people in West Virginia...and we drove in the clouds! We finally picked Kaleb up around 1am, got to Danny's dads....and passed out.

Saturday was BEAUTIFUL out. We went to the Cleveland Zoo, free admission for active service AND dependents. It cost us nothing to get in. The zoo was huuuuuge. I didn't know this, but Ohio has a big Amish population...I thought I was time traveling with their plain outfits! My favorite part of the zoo might sound a little boring, but I was intrigued by the Mexican blind fish. They had no eyes! I thought that was amazing! Kaleb fed the seals and was only interested in seeing dinosaurs, tigers (off exhibit) and the sharks!

 Saturday night we saw Shrek Forever After...I thought it was the cutest movie ever! And the theater had amaaaazing popcorn!

Sunday we went to Danny's grandma's house, the boys played a little baseball, Miley played in the flowers and got messy.

We had some lunch and then started the long trek home. I expected the trip to be much longer with a puppy and a five year old. But the trip was faster. Kaleb made up stories and told them to Miley..it kept both of them busy which was great!

Even though it was just a weekend, I'm so happy to be home! Danny has today and tomorrow off yay! We have lots of things planned for Kaleb, and starting Wednesday it will just be the two of us! He said he's excited to try new foods (he already tried shrimp and sweet potato fries...and liked both!)

I hope you all have a great Memorial Day!

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I'm doing the 30 Day Meme
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