Thursday Five

Happy Thursday! My favorite day of the week in Blogland.
Join me over at Mannland5 and list the five things that have made you






or just plain ol' happy this week!

1) Yesterday I got the best package in the mail from Mom. She taped a note to a picture frame. The note said, "This is the best picture ever. Just goes to show some things are just meant to be! You will know what I mean when you remove this note and look at the picture." And Oh.My.God I about died of laughter. It's me and my sister in a motorized car at some theme park. I look about 8, which makes her 4. She is the driver, waving and looking so happy. I look petrified! EDIT: By popular's the picture!

2) I hungout with my friend Amy on Monday. We went to the Olive Garden and got yummy soup, salad and breadsticks! But the best part of the trip? I bought a dress at the little girls section. Yes, I still fit into little girls clothes! (but seriously, it's the cutest dress ever!!)

3) I have a grocery budget. Every week we get a certain amount of  money for groceries. Yesterday I got all of our usual stuff PLUS things Kaleb asked for (juice boxes, chicken nuggets, some snacks) and still came in under budget! Coupons are amazing!

4) It's a long weekend. 'Nough said.

5) Me and Danny have started watching Lost from the beginning. This is my second time doing the DVD marathon with a Lost-newbie. The rules? No questions because I will not answer them! I didn't get to ask questions when I first watched and he should have to suffer too!