Day 2: Beach, Helicopters, and Mini Golf

The weather was perfect this morning! We all put on our swim suits, packed up towels and toys, and got Miley in the car and headed out for the beach! I wasn't too excited to bring Miley, a nice day at the beach means lots of people..and she's a little too friendly sometimes! I don't want her jumping on people and ruining someones beach trip. But after all was said and done, she proved me wrong and was a really good girl!

Kaleb and Danny played in the water, looked for crabs and built sandcastles. I wish we could have stayed longer and had more fun, but the clouds started rolling in. We packed up and got in the car just in time for the rain!

Then we headed over to base to see the helicopters that Danny works on, the CH-53 ECHO. It was the first time for me and Kaleb. And finally, a shot of the three of us!

Another successful dinner night, even though we lied about what we were having! He said he wouldn't eat pork but loved chicken. So, we had "chicken" for dinner. It was a new recipe I was trying out, I think they both liked it more than I did. 

After dinner the weather cleared up and we went mini golfing! So much fun! I got 2 holes in 1! But still managed to lose the game. BOO! Then the boys did some go-karts and arcade games! 

Another great day! Me and Kaleb (and Miley too!) wish Danny didn't have work tomorrow! Hopefully I can keep him entertained. He likes to play with the Wii and maybe I'll steal his coloring book for a few hours!

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