Day After Tomorrow

AHHHH! Opening day in the market is the day after tomorrow! Things are quickly falling into place though, so really, I need to stop stressing. The tent came yesterday in the mail (big stress!), and I was feeling good enough today to run the last errands I needed to do for Saturday.

I do have a few things left to do tomorrow, but they are all small things and it shouldn't be too hard to finish up. Especially since I got my grocery shopping done today and I should be home all day tomorrow to prepare and get a bit of rest. Resting is the part that I'll have the hardest time remembering, but that will be the most important! Especially since my mouth is still healing from the oral surgery a weak ago and that lowers my bodies defenses.

I'm really excited though! My brother who is my main partner won't be able to come this week (his twins have only been home from the hospital a week) so one of my other brothers is coming along to do the heavy lifting and keep me company. Should be a grand old time!

Oh and yes, I'm making lists and crossing things off :P