Getting To Know You!

Mannland5 is doing her usual Sunday post on Saturday! I love this little game! Do the questions, and then link up on her page!

The questions..

1. What has been your most memorable Mother's Day? (with your mom, as a mom, or with your wife) It's so bad that I don't remember anyyy Mother's Day actually involving my family. I worked in a restaraunt since I was 16 and always got stuck working this day. I remember being a hostess and people being mean to me because their tables weren't ready!

2. Have you ever been pulled over for speeding and were you able to talk your way out of it? Well, no. No license, no speeding!

3. What's the oldest thing you have hanging in your closet? Omg. Not in my closet but in my PJ drawer...1997 elementary school t-shirt. And yes, I still wear it!

4. Do you whiten your teeth? Yes. I'm obsessed with white teeth

5. Underwear or Panties..What do you call your "unmentionables"? Undies. I think. I don't really think about it I guess!

6. If you could go on vacation right would you go? DISNEY. Or Jamaica. If I'm not paying..I'll go anyyywhere!

7. Do you get offended when people cuss on their blogs? No, but then again..I don't really see anyone say it. If the "F" word is used, it's usually for a good reason...not just to say it. I'm not too big on swearing for random reasons.

8. If you had to give up one luxury item, it would be....?  Cell phone, I don't talk on it. I'll just e-mail instead of text!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday! Enjoy this lovely weather!