Getting To Know You

Dinner's in the oven, puppy is napping, and hubby is playing Call of I thought I'd take a few minutes to play a game! I love the weekly "games" that mannland5 has on her here's another one to play along with!

The questions..

1. Are you superstitious?
Not at all. I'm more paranoid than anything else..I can't afford to be both!

2. If you were an animal..what kind would you be? I wouldn't want to be any kind of animal! But if I have to choose...I'd be a dog. One that is spoiled rotten.

3. You would never catch me wearing.........? Crocs. I do not understand them. I don't care if they are comfortable..they are ugly!

4.  If someone posts a you watch it? Sure, but you won't catch me doing one...I'm camera shy! And I haaaaate Skype!

5. Have you ever waxed your girlie/manly parts..or any other part of your body? Just my eyebrows. Too scared to get any major work done!

6. Are you a spender or a saver? Huge saver. Don't get me wrong...I love a good shopping spree, dinner our and vacation. But I hate having to part with the money!

7. If  you were starring in a movie..who would you want to play your leading man/woman? Mark Wahlberg please.
We can mispronounce words together and talk about the Bob Marley tattoo he has. And then we can jet off to Jamaica together and be happily ever after....mmmm a girl can dream!

8. Smoker..never smoker..or smoked back in the day? I tried being "cool" once, was told I wasn't inhaling..and then when I did..I literally thought my lungs were on fire. No thanks!