Guest Blogger - Goodnight Moon

Today I,
Amber @ Goodnight moon,
is a guest blogger on the
Flip Flops and Combat Boots.
Thank you
Marine Wife
having me over for a visit.

I must say
I have really sweaty palms right now.
I'm nervous about writing on someone else's blog.
I could pee my pants from all the excitement.

so here it goes.....

Over the last few days

I've had a really sick feeling

in the pit of my stomach.

Something that I can't really explain.

Just something that I feel.
I know that comm has been shut down in Afghanistan.
Also known as, River City (RC).
maybe it's because we have lost some very brave Hero's just recently.
Knowing this makes me very sick inside.
Sick to the point that I feel like vomiting.
I'm sure it also has something to do with the fact that
I visited two Marine widowers this week,
within a 24hr period.
One of those Marine widowers is my husbands best friends wife.
And the other Marine widower you all know as

Being around both these
very strong
very brave women
just made me remember the reality of this war.
Not that I ever forget.

Its easy being here on the home front,
going about our daily routines and lives,
to block out what is really going on for our husbands who are
fighting the fight.
It seems easier that way
to get through our days.
I just try to think that he is gone training somewhere.
It's easier to think that,
then to remember what he really is doing.

It makes me miss my husband even more.
It makes me appreciate every single minute that I have with him,
even if he
clear across the world.
It makes me long for his safe return.

It also makes me very very bitter inside.
I find myself getting mad at people for their ignorance and stupidity.
I get easily annoyed at people who take their husbands for granted.
Or people that I over hear complaining about ridiculous things.
I have absolutely NO patients for this kind of behavior.

I understand that I chose to marry a Marine.
I've lived this lifestyle my entire life of almost 31yrs.
My father was a Marine
and of course....
I had to fall in love and marry one too.

I feel like a gypsy.
You know the saying
"Home is where the USMC sends you".
This is very true in my case.
In all my years as a
Marine brat
Marine wife,
I've moved 17 times.
gesh that's alot of moves
I feel that home is where my heart is.
And my heart is with my husband.

To me,
being a Marine wife is such an honor.
To be able to stand beside
my ever so sexy fox
of a
makes me proud.
I would have it no other way.
He is my life, my soul, my heart
he is my constant thought throughout my entire day.
He is my best friend.

I must admit,
I am also feeling down,
because two of my friends husbands are coming home very soon.
I am truly
honestly so over the moon excited for them.
I'm just sad because it's not my turn yet.
I feel like I am more emotional for their spouses to come home,
then they are.
Even though
I know
that is not the cause.

I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now.
I'm allowed to!
I've made it 4mths through this deployment.
I can *itch and complain all I want.
It's my well deserved right!