Opening Day at the Market

I had a lot of fun at the Market on Saturday! I definitely have some things I want to work on with my display, but that's ok, I have all summer to keep getting better and better right?

Here's my Necklace Table

Earrings, Bracelets, and Everything else...

The above table is the one that I want to do the most work on. I am going to change up my earring display and I want to have something neater than just having things laid out on the table. Don't know exactly what I'm going to do for that part yet though!

Cute Doggy that visited us!

I got my face painted!

With a rose of course :)

Isn't she sweet?

Isn't that shirt screaming for a necklace? My mother in law bought it for me a couple of weeks ago and I have a necklace 2/3rds done for it. But I ran out of beads :P So I wasn't able to complete it in time for this week. Ah well, there will be future weeks!

Over all it was a good day. I didn't make a ton of direct sales, but I have two commissions and a repair I'm doing, so that's bringing a bunch more money in and over all makes for a good day!