So Many Good Things!

The sun is shining, the coffee tastes extra yummy today, and it's finally Friday. Today I feel an stronger bond between all the military spouses. It is our day. As spouses we have the toughest job in the military. We might not be out on the front lines, but we balance military life, family life and careers. We do all that...and still support each other.  Although I have no met many of you, you all amaze me and I love all of you. Enjoy our day!

Speaking of great military wives, I have four (and the list keeps growing!) guest blogs coming up! I'm really excited for that! If anyone else wants to jump on board, please let me know! I'd like for this to run all summer!

Today I feel like I'm officially Mrs. S. Even though I've already changed my SS card, bank accounts and IDs, I got my credit card with my married name on it! So now everything has the right name on it! I'm no longer having an identity crisis! YAY!

The day just keeps getting better. The mailman just delivered two packages from my Mom! This might sound really nerdy but she sent me a bunch of coupons...and there are some really good ones! She found out about Military Spouse Appreciation Day and sent me a really cute dress, cookbooks and welcome mat for our front door! Seriously, best Mom ever!

AND tonight is date night! Picnic at the beach! Bringing the puppy! I can't wait to see if she loves the water!

After all these good things I'm going to end on a bad note. Miley thought it would be a good idea to run in circles while on her leash..around my legs..I'm now the proud recipient of rope burn. UGH.