Such a Great Weekend!

This weekend has been so great so far, and just think...there's still a full day left of it!

Friday night me and Danny went on a fancy-shmancy date. We drove out to New Bern (because lets face it, who really wants to go out to eat in Jacksonville...on a payday) and had dinner at this random place I found online. The website was really nice, so I assumed it was a dress up place. So we put on some nice clothes, heels and all, and went out! And man am I glad we dressed up! Everyone had cute summer dresses on and guys had jackets! I love those kind of places! Anyway, we had a yummy bottle of red wine, blue cheese dip and of course...awesome meals. We will most definitely be driving out to Downtown New Bern again! Oh, and I must be looking pretty old these days...the girl didn't card me! Jeez!

Yesterday I had a little girls day with Breanna. Much needed. We went to a movie, laughed at the old ladies that sat near us..and got some food. Talked about stuff that I'm not yet ready to blog about and just enjoyed the girl time. We didn't get to do the Super Secret Saturday girls were really interested. Too bad, we missed out on the Male Revue! BOO!

Hubby took me out for ice cream last night. Ice cream down here sucks. I want farm stand ice cream. Not something I can get anywhere. Does that even make sense to anyone? I know it does to the girls from Massachusetts. I.Want.Richardsons. What's better than getting ice cream and then looking at the cows that gave you the milk...ew, isn't that gross? I once saw a cow give birth while I was eating ice cream...most disgusting thing ever!

We had a slumber party in the living room last night with the puppy. Popped in a movie, got some pillows and got comfy! It turned out to be a little camping adventure! That's right...I saw a cockroach! EW!

And today is going to be amazing. Going out for my favorite meal ever..brunch! Danny so knows the way to my heart! Then coming back home and doing a field day on our little apartment! I might even get on my hands and knees with a toothbrush to make this place shine!