Thursday Five

It's that time again! 
Post  five things that have made you






1) I'm so happy that my online Avon Store opened today! I'm still nerdy excited about this so give me a break!

2) I'm thrilled that starting next Thursday, I'm going to be bussyyyy and traveling again! First, Lindsey comes down to visit for a weekend. Then, Ashley and Alanna are roadtripping down for the series finale of LOST (yes, we're obsessed!) Then, it's Ohio for Memorial Day...and a few weeks after that it's Boston for my Uncle's LUAU THEMED WEDDING!

3) We're going to the beach tomorrow night for a picnic! I already made the homemade onion dip! It's also going to be Miley's first trip to the beach! I'm so excited!

4) Mother's Day is this weekend! My Mom got her gift in the mail yesterday! Chocolate covered strawberries! She was so excited...which made me ecstatic!

5) I'm not sure if I've mentioned it yet..but I finally found season 10 of SVU on DVD. Can you say "marathon!"