Cook Book's Lie and Preparation for Saturday

Cook books lie. Don't believe them. Seriously! Ok, well I do like experimenting, and sometimes my experiments turn out great. Other times my experiments turn out ... scary. And of course there's the in between.

The chicken cordon bleu I made tonight did NOT look like the picture. That picture looks much yummier for one thing :P Mine actually didn't taste too bad, but it used Panko bread crumbs for the coating, and it just didn't work for me on chicken. I like it on fried fish, but it just didn't fit here.

Oh yes, crafty stuff, I suppose you want to hear about that now right? Well, in my defense, cooking is an art! Not necessarily the way I do it, but does that really matter?

Actually, cooking is the biggest crafty stuff I did today. The rest of what I did was...preparing to be crafty? I guess that's the best way to put it. Or at least, that's what my exhausted brain is pulling out!

I ran a bunch of errands today, including crafty errands. I have a custom order that I've been working on and I needed to get some findings that I don't usually carry on hand. While I was out I ran across a going out of business sale and got some cardboard displays that I'm really excited about! It changes my display plans - but for the better! I might get you a picture before the Market on Saturday, and if I don't, you'll see it when you see my photos from this weekend!