Me Me Me!

In the past week I have seen my Followers list grow...rapidly! I love getting the daily comments from everyone..each and every one of them make me smile! You girls are awesome!

Anyway, this post is going to be my "Introduction." In over 100 posts I don't think I ever did an introduction. So, here we go!

I think this is a good place to start. This is my Mom and Dad. Aren't they cute? They grew up next door to each other. They have been married for 28 years. Anyway, they had me in 1985. I was a way cute baby. Need proof?

 My name is Nicole. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, about a half hour away from Boston. And honestly, I think it's the best place ever. Four years after I was born..I got a little sister. I wanted to name her Sally, but they chose Michelle instead. I think she's pretty darn cute too!

I had a pretty sweet childhood. I have an amazing family. We have a house on a lake in Maine and we spend weekends there during the summer.
I started taking dance lessons when I was three. You wouldn't know that if I didn't tell dance moves are a cross between Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Elaine from Seinfield. Sorry Mom and Dad for the colossal waste of money.
Skipping WAY ahead, I went to Fitchburg State college. I have my bachelor's degree in History. I loved school and I miss it like crazy. I have an awesome group of college friends. Here's me, Veronica and Ashley making fun of our least favorite college "friend."
I love love loooove to travel. I've been to England, France and Ireland. Ireland was amazing and I'd go back in a heartbeat.
 Islands are my favorite! Here are my favorite islands! (uh, can you sense a theme in these pictures?!)
St. Thomas

Yes, it's true..I like to drink. I especially like to drink while listening to live music. Remember the bad dance moves I told you about? Yea...those come out then!

I love food. I love cooking. I love wine. Oh, and I love my family. Look at these goons!

So now, you're probably wondering how Danny figures into my Boston loving-Island hopping-bad dancing life. Well, I'll tell ya!

Last year I decided I was moving to North Carolina. Random. Very random. I gave myself 4 going away parties, and convinced everyone I would be back in a year. No questions asked. 
All the girls at ONE of my going away parties

I joined a dating site, as a joke, and met Danny! Our first date was at a beach. Then dinner and lots of Blue Moon. The rest is history really. He met my family on Labor Day (thats also when he had his first scorpion bowl!) We were engaged in October, I met the rest of his family in November, we spent Christmas in Boston. And were married on March 13! All the juicy stuff is hidden in the pages of this blog! 

Oh, and one time I traveled 6 hours just to eat Sonic. THAT'S dedication!