Punctuation, Spelling...and Leading Marines?

Danny asked for my help with some "homework" that he was given. My first thought? "I know nothing about your job, how am I supposed to help?!" Then he handed it to me. A punctuation exam! Seriously?! Piece of cake.

I had to use Google to figure out what an essential appositive was. I must have fallen asleep during that course (you know..in middle school...)

Then, Danny gives me the spelling exam.Uh, I apparently don't remember the "silent e" rule. I know that a silent "e" makes the preceding vowel a long sound. However, when given a list of words...I can't figure out which one is the exception to the "silent e" rule! I said them all out loud...and still can't figure it out! And thank God for spell check!

Now Danny is at work and I have nothing to do. So I'm sneaking a peak at the "Leading Marines" exam. Looks more like a sociology class to me! Ethics, folkways, values...and buddy systems! Jeez, I should have paid more attention in my Intro to Sociology class!

I am not Smarter Than a Fifth Grader...or a Marine.